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ESRC Festival of Social Science & University of Manchester Interactive Music Workshop


Date: 6th November 2017 Location: Home, Tony Wilson Place, Manchester M15 4FN Time: 10.30-16.00

The ESRC Festival of Social Science and the University of Manchester invite you to participate in an interactive workshop: ‘Being “in the moment” with music.’ The workshop aims to explore how we might better understand the experiences of people with dementia when they engage with music.


  1. A Music in Mind taster session, led by Manchester Camerata.

  2. Testimony from people living with dementia about their musical experiences.

  3. An interactive session exploring how we might research musical experiences.

  4. Overview of research exploring ‘in the moment experiences of people living with dementia.

For tickets and more information, please contact Robyn Dowlen.

Email: Phone: 0161 306 7732



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