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Donation secures Dementia support for 15 local people


Together Dementia Support can help 15 local people living with dementia get out, connect with others, enjoy fun activities, and exercise every week for a whole year thanks to the generosity of Greenergy.

White minibus with Together Dementia Support branding

The TDS Minibus is ready to go!

“We were honoured to learn Greenergy chose to support our charity in this way,” said Sally Ferris, CEO. “It will be put to good use making sure that more people and families living with dementia have access to the vital support, advice and guidance they need to live positive, active lives for as long as possible. This donation will actively contribute to improving quality of life for people in Manchester.

The positive impacts of the donation are already being felt, with a socially distanced minibus trip planned in April for Together Dementia Support members. Together Dementia Support is a small charity based in Manchester who depend on donations and fundraising to survive. To learn more about the charity or to make a donation, please visit our website


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