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A Christmas thank you from Together Dementia Support


A huge thank you to everyone who has supported the work of Together Dementia Support in 2018.

To mention just a few….A special thank you goes to Glaisyers Solicitors for your continued support and also to Forever Manchester, who provided a grant which enabled us to host a wonderful Christmas party for our group members. A brilliant day was had by all. 

It’s been a brilliant year for us- and we must thank everyone who voted for Together Dementia Support in The People’s Projects awards. The £44k of funding meant that we have been able to transport people living with dementia and carers to support groups and activities. Thanks to everyone who volunteered and attended our fun day in August 2018, where more than £2,000 was raised.  

Marion Evans has also designed some lovely Christmas cards, which have raised more than £190 to support local people living with dementia.

We are so grateful to each and every person who has made the effort to fund raise or donate… and of course to our hard-working, fabulous volunteers. Merry Christmas and a happy new year!



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